Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lilly's Flowers

I'm really excited about Lilly's new stone planter and her pretty flower arrangement.. designed by myself. :) I know you may think it's really silly to get so excited about something like this but it has taken us two and a half years to afford this beautiful planter. Every planter I looked at, didn't match up to my high expectations and wasn't perfect enough to hold the beautiful flowers that will sit before my daughter's grave. Here are the pictures. I'm a beginner at flower arrangements and I feel like this one isn't beautiful enough but am I ever going to feel like something is good enough when it comes to my daughter?!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

May 24, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Agh... 30 Weeks

This is a page from Dylan's Scrapbook! The Ultrasound girl, Sarah, wanted to give me some 4D pictures at my last Doctor's appointment. Which by the way was a wonderful appointment. Dr. Haven said the kidneys are now the same size and are normal. Wonderful news, Praise God!

Agh.. 30 Weeks!! :) Time is flying by so fast.. almost too fast. I do worry from time to time and wonder if I'm going to be a good mother. Or if I'm going to smother him and want him by my side at all times! I guess these worries are normal. I just want to raise my son to be respectful and love Jesus with all his heart.

May 8, 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009
28 Weeks

28 Weeks... YAY! I'm getting really excited! I can't wait!

So far I've gained 27 lbs and my blood pressure is still good. Around this time with Lilly, my blood pressure was high and my feet were swelling so bad they hurt. I'm having very little swelling, its usually by the end of the day. My next doctor's appointment will be Tuesday, May 12. I'll keep you updated! :)

April 8, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
24 Weeks- Best Hair Days!

Okay, so I'm skipping ahead a few days! I'm actually 23 Weeks 5 days... basically 24 Weeks! :) The pants that I'm wearing in the picture are being held together in the front with a hairband.. they fit about a month ago.. I swear. I'm definitely going to have to retire the shirt I was wearing. :?/ I like that shirt! Oh well anyways.. nothing really new has been happening to me or my body except for the fact I'm bigger and tummy hurts from stretching. Still the usual, no sleep, hungry all the time, and my clothes are shrinking... but my hair looks wonderful! ;) I have been feeling him kick a lot lately. I was in Down On Mainstreet, tuesday, for the BLT special (thanks Ashley for the BLT cravings) and he was kicking and he actually let the Patsy, Brookes, and Kira feel. I was surprised, he usually stops when someone puts their hand on my tummy.

April 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
22 Weeks and Counting! :)

22 Weeks and counting! :) I'm getting more and more excited as the days, weeks, months, pass by. At my last doctor's appointment, we had another ultrasound. Doctor Harris reassured us that the kidneys are okay. Everything is okay! I think that its a little hard for me to believe because last time everything wasn't okay. But I have to say God is great!
Last week tuesday, I had a very bad day. The kind of day where you wake up and NOTHING goes right. I had two HUGE zits plastered on the side of my face.. like two extra eyes on my face, my hair was a frightful mass of mess on the top of my head, I ran out of make-up, and I just plum felt fat and ugly. I had to go to class tuesday night and after class let out and I got home, Michael still hadn't gotten home from work. I called him like 100 times in 30 minutes and he wasn't answering. Finally, I just dialed his number again and a guy answered. I said, "What takes you so long to answer your phone?" He said, "Huh?" and I respond, "I have called you like 100 times." I look at my phone and realize that Michael was beeping in. Sometimes my phone just calls random people. So, I click over to Michael and give him the same spill that I gave the random man that my phone called. Then Glenn is beeping in, so I click over to him and I realize that the random guy was Glenn. I apologized and laughed. He said, "I get fussed out by my wife and now pregnant girls." I was so embarrassed! But I have to say it was really funny! I just glad that it was him and not really some random guy.
Well.. neways.. our crib came in last night and I got so excited I put it together in an hour. Its so pretty!
I ate at my in-laws house the other night and they still get some of our mail. Well, there was an invitation to the Cherished Lives Ceremony that Pitt Memorial Hospital gives in memory of all the babies who have died. I can't wait to go! Its really the only time that Michael, our family, and I can celebrate Lilly and her life. I'm so thankful that God has given me the gift to remember every moment of being with my daughter. I miss her so much!

March 8, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009
19 Weeks

19 Weeks and 1 Day today! Lately, I have been feeling like a hippo.. unattractive and fat. I haven't been able to get a lot of sleep lately. I've been shoving pillow under and around every part of me, soon I think Michael is going to have to migrate to the couch. :)

I can't wait to start decorating Dylan's room. I bought a few canvas' today so that I can begin painting pictures for his room.. I would do murals but I don't think our landlord would like that. I finally go Michael to go with the sailboat theme. He was set on sports.. YUCK! I've already registered for sailboat stuff.

Michael took me last week to go register at Babies R Us. I think that he was having fun picking out all the baby boy clothes and things. I'm just really happy to see my husband so happy.

Last night, my sisters (without Sarah :(.. ) and I, went to Barnes and Nobles and while we were there Michael calls and wants me to pick him up a Expectant Fathers baby book. I'm so happy that he is so excited about the baby.

Well, my next appointment will be March 17th.. I can't wait

February 28, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009
17 Weeks
This week, I've been super sick. I don't know if its the pregnancy or the virus that's been going around. Last time I went to the doctor they said I weighed about 118. I guess they were happy with that weight, and I'm pretty happy they didn't tell me to gain more.
At the last doctor's appointment, not everything was perfect... as I probably wrote. The doctor came in after the ultrasound and went down the list. Everything was great except one of the baby's kidneys is slightly larger then the other. She said that it wasn't in abnormal range but that they are still going to keep an eye on it. I wanted to cry after she told me that. She kept telling me that its probably nothing and its nothing to worry about. Do you know what is funny about her saying that??? They told me that same thing after Lilly's ultrasound. She also said that if I wanted to have another ultrasound done over at Fetal Medicine, she would schedule me an appointment. I asked her if Fetal Medicine was Brody School of Medicine and she said yes. I would rather cut my foot off and eat my toes then walk back into that place. I didn't tell the doctor that. I just told her that I would never step foot back into that place ever.
I just don't understand, if its nothing to worry about then why were they offering for me to go to Brody.. again???? I have to admit, last week I was pretty mad with God. I asked him over and over again.. why? Is it hard to give me just one perfect ultrasound? Why have I always got to worry about something?
Please keep us in your prayers! :)

February 19, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Doctors appointment yesterday went very well! During the ultrasound, the sonographer, Sarah, told us everything that she was measuring and looking at. This time unlike last time, the baby's hands were opening and closing, the heart was fine and the brain had no cysts. She said everything looks wonderful! :) I have to say, I am very relieved. We found out that the baby is a ...... BOY! I have to say I was extremely surprised. As you can clearly see in the picture above, its odvious it is a boy. My next doctors appointment will be March 17 and we will have another ultrasound. :) Love those ultrasounds! His name is Dylan Michael!

February 4, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
What Sleep?

This week, I've really been struggling to sleep. I'm a belly sleeper. I'm going to miss sleeping on my belly for at least 6 more months. Poo! Last night, it was really hard for me to sleep because the News said that it was going to snow. I'm like a little kid about snow.. too exciting! After looking out the window to see if it was snowing at 2:30am (of course, it wasn't), I fianlly fell asleep. Now its 12:33pm and I feel like I'm going to pass out right here and drool all over the keyboard.

I cannot wait until Feb. 18 to have my ultrasound. I told my mother-in-law, Susan, that I just want to break into the Doctor's office and give myself an ultrasound. I'm so giddy to know whether the baby is a boy or girl. Can't wait to decorate!

January 26, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009
Doctor's Appointment #2

Nothing really interesting happened today at my Doctor's Appt. I was a little disappointed that I didn't have an ultrasound done. I heard the baby's heartbeat again and its 160. Fast heartbeat.. maybe its a girl. :) Dr. Fisher said that hopefully by the next appintment I will have gained a pound. Not this past sunday but last sunday marks the beginning of true morning sickness and all day gagging. :( YUCK!

My next appointment will be on Feb. 18. In 3 weeks and at that appointment I will find out if I'm having a girl or a boy. Too exciting. Michael and I have decided that if its a girl we will name her Faith Elizabeth and if its a boy we will name him Dillon Michael. I really have no preference, I just pray for a healthy baby.

I am extremely confident and I have a lot of faith in knowing that I will be having a healthy baby. Thats one reason why we chose the name Faith. I think that without faith me and michael wouldn't be as strong as we are today. So I think that Faith is going to be more then just a name for us, it has so much more meaning.

January 4, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Doctor's Appointment #1

My first Doctor's appointment went very well. I denied all genetic testing and counseling but accepted all ultrasounds. I think I would be crazy to deny ultrasounds. We had our first ultrasound done and the sonographer, Sarah, did measurements. The baby is 1 inch, which is right on target. The heartbeat is 180, which the Doctor said that with such a strong heartbeat this early on our chances of a miscarriage is less than 5%. YAY!

It was such a relief to finally go to the doctor and hear good news. The worst part about the visit would have to be the 9 tubes of blood they drew.. ugh.. I thought I was going to pass out. I got to bring home two ultrasound pictures and I wanted to post them but I got too excited and put them in a scrapbook. The next ones I get I promise to post.

December 27, 2008

Saturday, December 27, 2008
8 Weeks

As of today I'm 8 weeks 6 days! :) I figured out last night that grape juice does not mix with pregnancy. I found myself running to the bathroom. At least this time I can count how many times I've actually gotten sick... which is only 3 times. When I was pregnant with Lilly I was sick everyday, all day. For Christmas this year, I got a diaper bag full of baby stuff. Just looking at baby stuff makes me more and more excited.

Monday, December 29th is my first doctor's appointment. I'm not too excited about the 6 tubes of blood they will be taking but I know its worth it. I'm prepared for the Doctor's and their talk that they are going to have with me about having tests done. My answer will be a big, fat NO! I can easily say that no matter what happens, whether that baby is healthy or not, I will still love my child. Abortion will always be out of the question for me. I have to say that I'm too strong of a person for that.

I'm really amazed that I'm showing so fast. Maybe its twins! :) I wouldn't mind!

December 5, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008
We're Pregnant! Yippy!

Hard to believe but true! We are pregnant! I have to say 'we'.. I guess because I'm going through the actual body changing pregnancy and Michael is going through my emotional ups and downs. Which include my outbursts of anger and tears during the movie ELF. <- Don't ask! It took 5 pregnancy tests to make me actually believe that they were actually positive... this is after having one year of past negative pregnancy tests. Well, after going to a doctor's office.. it was confirmed that we are 5 weeks 4 days. I have to say that Thanksgiving this year is the most memorable and special for me. Michael is excited but a little nervous at the same time. He doesn't want anyone to forget Lilly. I know that I'll never forget Lilly. She isn't forgettable or replacable.
I'm definately feeling some symptoms.. SLEEPY!!! Last night I woke up 3 times to use the bathroom. If its that bad now I can't imagine how many times I'll be waking up at 6 months. Ugh.. but at least I'm not sick.. yet.. *knock on wood*

There is one thing that is upsetting. Michael's Grandmother passed away November 30th. I regret not getting to know her better and visiting her more like she wanted me and Michael to. I really wish that she would have been able to meet her new Great Grandchild but I'm sure that she will see him/her from Heaven. Tomorrow we will be having a visitation, memorial, and graveside. :*(

Letter to Lilly

Dear Lilly,

I miss you so much! Daddy misses you also. I can't believe it has almost been three years since you were born. Today, your little brother Dylan and I went to Tassels and bought a beautiful stone planter to put behind your gravestone. I can't wait to fill it with a beautiful spring flower arrangement. When I think of you, I think of all things beautiful.

Kristen Etheridge, a friend of your Aunt Kristen, had to give a presentation about abortion in one of her classes. She could not help but speak about you. Here is the message she sent me..

I hope you, Michael, and Dylan are doing good! I just wanted to let you know I had to do a group project about abortions in different religions in a class, and I told your story about Lilly. I wasn't planning on it but the subject of medical abortions came up during the discussion. I explained how a lot of the doctors at BSOM encouraged you to have an abortion but you didn't. Then told everyone how you and Michael spent 6 precious hours with Lilly that you wouldn't trade for anything. The professor asked me today if I would ask you if he could use your story in one of his other classes. I told him I would ask you.


This is God encouraging me through friends. Lilly, you are such a wonderful inspiration. And of course my answer to her teacher was 'yes'. I want everyone to know all about how wonderful you are! After I thanked Kristen for telling her class about you, she sent me this message which is such a great encouragment..

"You are welcome! I think it's amazing that you gave her the gift of life! You are an amazing woman!" - Kristen Etheridge

God has put so many great people in my life! I wish you could have met your brother, Dylan. He is such a sweet baby. He has two teeth now and he does this fake smile that makes me laugh so hard I cry. :) Because of you, I cherish every moment I have with the ones I love. Baby girl, I love and I miss you so much. I can't wait to tell Dylan all about his older sister.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MTV's 16 and Pregnant

Okay, so I was reading some comments about Jenelle, a mother on MTV's series 16 and Pregnant who is too immature to have a baby. It's not my place to judge her or the decisions she has made in her life. People need to understand there is not a choice when it comes to an unborn life. What I don't understand is why it is so hard for people to grasp that concept.

People who made comments like, "That baby should have been aborted" really need to wake up and smell the coffee. I remember when I didn't think much about the abortion issue but when I buried my daughter, God opened my eyes to the issue full force.

Jenelle's baby is a wonderful blessing and it's terrible that she isn't accepting of her precious gift. From watching the show and hearing Jenelle's mother yell, "Well, if you aren't going to take care of IT, then we need to find IT a home.", this baby certainly deserves a better family. It's really sad. I can't stress this anymore then I already have.. A BABY IS NOT A IT!!!

Have you actually seen an abortion being performed? Have you seen a baby being aborted through ultrasound? No matter what form of abortion is being performed the BABY is in pain and the heartrate rises because of the babies fear. Have you ever heard of Post-Abortion Syndrome? This is the emotional and psychological consequences of an abortion. Also known as depression.

Learn the fact before you go through with an abortion. Here are some website that will be helpful with your research:

Also, YouTube is great!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh.. the Aggravation with Myself

As you probably all have realized.. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up! DO I want to be a nurse? Medical Sonographer? Medical Lab Tech? Jewelry Maker? Crafter? Store Owner? Mary Kay Saleswomen? And unfortunately my list of possible careers goes on and on and.. on. I hate being a 'wishy washy' person! I wish I was the type of person who just goes with it and completes it. What is wrong with me?