Saturday, March 27, 2010

April 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
22 Weeks and Counting! :)

22 Weeks and counting! :) I'm getting more and more excited as the days, weeks, months, pass by. At my last doctor's appointment, we had another ultrasound. Doctor Harris reassured us that the kidneys are okay. Everything is okay! I think that its a little hard for me to believe because last time everything wasn't okay. But I have to say God is great!
Last week tuesday, I had a very bad day. The kind of day where you wake up and NOTHING goes right. I had two HUGE zits plastered on the side of my face.. like two extra eyes on my face, my hair was a frightful mass of mess on the top of my head, I ran out of make-up, and I just plum felt fat and ugly. I had to go to class tuesday night and after class let out and I got home, Michael still hadn't gotten home from work. I called him like 100 times in 30 minutes and he wasn't answering. Finally, I just dialed his number again and a guy answered. I said, "What takes you so long to answer your phone?" He said, "Huh?" and I respond, "I have called you like 100 times." I look at my phone and realize that Michael was beeping in. Sometimes my phone just calls random people. So, I click over to Michael and give him the same spill that I gave the random man that my phone called. Then Glenn is beeping in, so I click over to him and I realize that the random guy was Glenn. I apologized and laughed. He said, "I get fussed out by my wife and now pregnant girls." I was so embarrassed! But I have to say it was really funny! I just glad that it was him and not really some random guy.
Well.. neways.. our crib came in last night and I got so excited I put it together in an hour. Its so pretty!
I ate at my in-laws house the other night and they still get some of our mail. Well, there was an invitation to the Cherished Lives Ceremony that Pitt Memorial Hospital gives in memory of all the babies who have died. I can't wait to go! Its really the only time that Michael, our family, and I can celebrate Lilly and her life. I'm so thankful that God has given me the gift to remember every moment of being with my daughter. I miss her so much!

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